Vegetation Phenology and Productivity Parameters Season 2, Yearly

agriculture CLMS derived data open data phenology Plant phenology index vegetation


Vegetation Phenology and Productivity Parameters (VPP) product is part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS), pan-European High Resolution Vegetation Phenology and Productivity (HR-VPP) product suite. The VPP product is comprised of 13 parameters that describe specific stages of the seasonal vegetation growth cycle. These parameters are extracted from Seasonal Trajectories of the Plant Phenology Index (PPI) derived from Sentinel-2 satellite observations at 10m resolution. Since growing seasons can traverse years, VPP parameters are provided for a maximum of two growing seasons per year. The parameters include (1) start of season (date, PPI value and slope), (2) end of season (date, PPI value and slope), (3)length of season, (4) minimum of season, (4) peak of the season (date and PPI value), (5) amplitude, (6) small integrated value and (7) large integrated value.
VPP parameters are generated over the EEA39 region on a yearly frequency from January 1 2017 onwards. Among other applications, the high-resolution phenology data has a high potential to give a detailed assessment of the impacts of human or climate change on the ecosystem through monitoring of vegetation responses to disturbances, e.g. droughts, storms, insect infestations, and to human influence from global to local levels. More information about VPP product is outlined in the product user manual

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Geographical coverage

Europe (Lat; 26N 72N Lon; -25W 45E)

Temporal availability

January 1, 2017 - ongoing

Update Frequency


Band Information

NameDescriptionUnitSentinel Hub UnitsDigital RangeNo data
SOSDDay of start-of-seasonday-of-yearDN16001 - 65365; Format YYDOY0
EOSDDay of end-of-seasonday-of-yearDN16001 - 65365; Format YYDOY0
MAXDDay of maximum-of-seasonday-of-yearDN16001 - 65365; Format YYDOY0
SOSVVegetation index value at SOSDPPIDN0 to 3 (physical value), 0 to 30000 (DN)32768
EOSVVegetation index value at EOSDPPIDN0 to 3 (physical value), 0 to 30000 (DN)32768
MAXVVegetation index value at MAXDPPIDN0 to 3 (physical value), 0 to 30000 (DN)32768
MINVAverage vegetation index value of minima on left and right sides of each seasonPPIDN0 to 3 (physical value), 0 to 30000 (DN)32768
AMPLSeason amplitude (MAXV – MINV)PPIDN0 to 3 (physical value), 0 to 30000 (DN)32768
LENGTHLength of Season (number of days between start and end)dayDN1 to 10960
LSLOPESlope of the greening up periodPPI × day-1DN0.01 to 0.5 (physical value), 100 to 5000 (DN)32768
RSLOPESlope of the senescent periodPPI × day-1DN0.01 to 0.5 (physical value), 0 to 5000 (DN)32768
SPRODSeasonal productivity. The growing season integral computed as the sum of all daily values between SOSD and EOSDPPI × dayDN0 to 1095 (physical value), 0 to 10950 (DN)65535
TPRODTotal productivity. The growing season integral computed as sum of all daily values minus their base level value.PPI × dayDN0 to 1095 (physical value), 0 to 10950 (DN)65535
QFLAGQuality FlagDimensionlessDN1 to 10; Additional info here.0

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European Environment Agency

Managed By

Sentinel Hub

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