agriculture machine learning multi spectral imagery open data satellite imagery sentinel
Sentinel-2 L2A 120m mosaic is a derived product, which contains best pixel values for 10-daily periods, modelled by removing the cloudy pixels and then performing interpolation among remaining values. As clouds can be missed and as there are some parts of the world which have lengthy cloudy periods, clouds might be remaining in some parts. The actual modelling script is available here.
Land surface area between 58 degrees South and 72 degrees North.
2020 (past years will be added later); old 2019 data results can be found here.
New data will be added annually.
Name | Description | Notes |
B01 | Coastal aerosol | DN, typically from 0-10000 |
B02 | Blue | DN, typically from 0-10000 |
B03 | Green | DN, typically from 0-10000 |
B04 | Red | DN, typically from 0-10000 |
B05 | Vegetation red edge | DN, typically from 0-10000 |
B06 | Vegetation red edge | DN, typically from 0-10000 |
B07 | Vegetation red edge | DN, typically from 0-10000 |
B08 | NIR | DN, typically from 0-10000 |
B8A | Narrow NIR | DN, typically from 0-10000 |
B09 | Water Vapour | DN, typically from 0-10000 |
B11 | SWIR | DN, typically from 0-10000 |
B12 | SWIR | DN, typically from 0-10000 |
QM | QualityMask | DN, from 0-3; OK if larger than 0. Additional info here. |
See all datasets managed by Sentinel Hub.
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