Test and experience a substantial amount of Planet data samples made available under a CC-BY-NC license to all active Planet users and Sentinel Hub users with a paid subscription or a Trial account. Sandbox Data offers a subset of the WorldStrat locations and dense time-stacks, ranging from 25 to 200 km2 in size. The locations are spread across the world, assuring a stratified representation of various use cases.
Available Sandbox Data locations. Basemap from OpenStreetMap.
Planet's data, with its dense time series and systematic availability, makes it a perfect input to machine learning models. Sandbox Data serves as a rich and diverse set of data collections, making it possible for data scientists to build, test and validate their machine learning models without huge investment in data subscriptions, even prior to validating the business model.
Analysis-Ready PlanetScope combines the monitoring benefits of near-daily 3 m spatial imagery, while enhancing temporal and spatial consistency by informing PlanetScope data with trusted, third-party data sources (Landsat, Sentinel-2, MODIS, VIIRS). This is accomplished with a proprietary algorithm that creates pre-processed, harmonized, and spatially consistent near-daily stacks of images that enable time-series analysis and machine learning applications. The resulting 4-band data is exceeding...
The Forest Carbon Diligence product consists of a bundle of data resources: canopy height, canopy cover, and aboveground live carbon with a spatial resolution of 30 m. These data are collected annually over the entire land mass of the Earth (between 75° N and 60° S).
The Forest Carbon Monitoring product consists of a bundle of data resources: canopy height, canopy cover, and aboveground live carbon with a spatial resolution of 3 m. These data are collected quarterly over the entire land mass of the Earth (between 75° N and 60° S).
Planet’s Land Surface Temperature (LST) is a feed of high-resolution, globally available measurement of the skin temperature of the Earth. Combining observations from a range of satellite constellations, Land Surface Temperature is not hindered by clouds, ensuring a continuous, consistent and scientifically reliable data record of more than 20 years. Consequently, there is no requirement to uphold extensive networks of physical sensors. This Planetary Variable measures the temperature twice a da...
Globally available mosaics at a cell size of 4.77 m (at equator) using Mercator projection. Planet Basemaps are offered at a weekly, biweekly, monthly, or quarterly cadence and provide a clear, comprehensive view of an area of interest by automating the selection of the best individual images to create a complete, seamless, and recent “mosaic” that allows you to understand change over broad areas. Planet Basemaps are also well suited for machine learning-analytics by applying cloud masking and...
With hundreds of Dove satellites in orbit, PlanetScope Monitoring provides a medium-resolution, continuous, and complete view of the world from above, every day. PlanetScope images are approximately 3 m per pixel resolution. Sentinel Hub offers the ability to purchase, order and access both the archive data and newly acquired data available globally since 2016. Sentinel Hub provides access to PlanetScope data in Top of the atmosphere (TOA) reflectance.
Globally available land cover maps derived from Planetscope imagery classifying pixels as road, building or neither. Generated on a weekly or monthly basis, Planet's Road & Building Detection can be used to stay up to date with the latest development around the globe.
By leveraging a semantic segmentation model on all the PlanetScope imagery published in a given area for a given week or month, we assign a probability value (0-255) that the pixel represents a road, building or neither o...
Planet's extensive Skysat archive is available at 50 cm spatial resolution for images collected on or after June 30, 2020, and at 72 cm spatial resolution for images collected before June 30, 2020. The SkySat image archive dates back to 2014. The Skysat satellite constellation consists of ~20 satellites that were launched between 2013 and 2020. Because of its rapid revisit time, these data are suitable for monitoring rapid changes on the Earth's surface.
The Soil Water Content is the measure of the amount of water present in a unit volume of soil. It is typically expressed as a percentage and represents the ratio between the volume of water and the total volume of the soil. This measurement is crucial for understanding the water status of the soil and provides information on factors such as drought monitoring, soil health and hydrological processes. The Soil Water Content Planetary Variable measures the water content of the soil almost daily ...