High-Resolution Snow & Ice Monitoring; Persistent Snow Area

CLMS derived data hrsi open data snow


The High-Resolution Snow & Ice Monitoring service (HR-S&I) is part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS). The snow aspect of the service provides products measuring Snow cover (FSC, FSTOC, FSCOG, GFSC), Snow state conditions (WDS, SWS) and persistent snow area (PSA). There are also ice products that measure ice cover (RLIE) and aggregated river and lake ice extent (ARLIE).More information about the data can be found here and the snow products user manual is located here. The Persistent Snow Area (PSA) product is generated annually from FSC products and provides the extent of persistent snow cover for that year (the area where snow is present throughout the hydrological year). The PSA corresponds to pixels with a snow probability greater than 0.95, i.e. where snow was observed in at least 95% of the observations (under clear-sky conditions). For optimisation reasons, the retrieval methodology assumes that the minimal snow cover is reached across Europe between 1 May and 30 September; thus the algorithm performs the aggregation only over this period.

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Geographical coverage

Europe (Lat; 34N 66N Lon; -26W 44E)

Temporal availability

May 2017 - ongoing

Update Frequency

Annually (released in October after end of the hydrological year)

Band Information

NameDescriptionUnitSentinel Hub UnitsData ValuesNo data
PSAPersistent snow areaDimensionlessDNNo persistent snow - 0, Persistent snow - 1255
QCQuality layerDimensionlessDNHigh quality - 0, Medium quality, - 1, Low quality - 2, Minimal quality - 3255

Custom scripts

Collection of HR&SI data custom scripts



European Environment Agency

Managed By

Sentinel Hub

See all datasets managed by Sentinel Hub.



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